The Mega-Blog

The ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Theme Goes Back to the Franchise’s Roots

It’s been a long road, getting from there to here for Star Trek: Discovery. Frankly, it’s been a long time since it was first announced, but its time is finally near. With the show premiering on September 24th, you can almost see CBS All Access’s dream come alive at last, as if the network could touch the sky. And, as with every Star Trek show, the theme song is a very important part. A bad theme can set the tone for a show all wrong, but thanks to a featurette on the official Youtube channel, we now know Discovery will go back to the franchise’s orchestral roots.

It won’t let a bad theme hold it down, no no. And the network won’t change its mind — the way UPN did with Enterprise.

We don’t get to hear the whole thing, but I’ve got faith in the part. I’m going where the composer takes me. I’ve got faith to believe that at the very least the show will musically sound right. By returning to Trek’s orchestral roots, it establishes a strength of the soul of the show. No one’s going to bend or break it. With a song like this, the show has the potential to reach any star. I mean, we still haven’t heard the whole thing or how the final show will end up, but I have faith.

I have faith.

Faith in this part.

Trae Dorn

Trae Dorn has been staffing conventions for over twenty-five years. They also wrote and drew the now completed webcomic UnCONventional, and produce the podcasts BS-Free Witchcraft, On This Day With Trae, Stormwood & Associates, The Meatgrinder, and The Nerd & Tie Podcast. This leads many to ask how the heck they have the time to get it all done. Trae says they have the time because they “do it all quite poorly.”

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