The Meatgrinder

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The Meatgrinder is an anthology role playing game actual play series where no one survives for long. As characters die, new players cycle into the table, and the cycle continues until the story reaches its end. Every season promises new settings, new characters, and new horrors. But, like, in a fun way? In a fun way. It’s a funny show to listen to — trust us.

Season 3 of The Meatgrinder brings us to the future year of 2249, as the sentient races of earth have reached for the stars. The ISF Bellerophon with its count of 10,000 passengers is headed to the colony world of Praxion 7. Even at faster than light speed, the journey will take ten years, and with the exception of three crew at a time taking month long shifts to run the ship, the colonists all sleep in their stasis pods.

Unaware that five years into this journey something has gone very, very wrong.

The Meatgrinder uses the “Super Awesome Action Heroes” role playing system. Episodes release on the 15th of each month.

Hosts: Trae Dorn, Celeste Startwin*, Gen Prock, Becca Johnson*, Crysta C, and Scott Logan


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* – Season 1 of The Meatgrinder was recorded in September of 2020, and Season 2 in September of 2021. Celeste Startwin is referred to as “Nick Izumi” and Becca Johnson as “Kyle Johnson” in the show audio for those seasons as those are the names they were using at the time of recording. In season 3, recorded in September of 2022, Becca Johnson is still referred to as “Kyle” in the show audio for the same reason.